Monday 27 February 2017

Ladki patane ke tarike

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 In today's world girl-friend or boyfriend is so necessary , but how to make it

Read below point and implement in your life you will make a beautiful girlfriend defiantly.

Girls never look your status, good looking ,money (except few girl), they only see one things MANNER and STYLE.

Be your-self, do not follow any one

Don’t Show-off.

Impress your girl by your personality, show them you are the perfect guy for her and any other girl out there and always respect female.

Be always down-to-earth.

Involve her to your personal life.

Tell her good things always.

Express your love

Expense a quality time

Make her happy always.

Quit smoking and drink if you are taking too much.

Read her mind

Do not criticize her

Stay healthy and fit , be simple boy, because they like simple guy a lot.

Don’t play double game.

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