Saturday 10 June 2017


In this video i explain you which one is the best protein food for body building, although every one can consume it and stay healthy, For body building, there is a myth going around the world is that 
non-veg is the best way to getting full protein although it's correct but but there is plenty of Vegetable also available in market which can give you great protein for health  for example there are lot of body builder who have built there body  by eating these basic veg food, So Consume as much as  you can Plenty Of Fruits And Vegetables which helps you to grow your muscle and stay fit for ever, Each vegetable have it's own specialization and characteristic  hence i mention top 9 vegetable food which is reach in all aspect so here it is.

For body building, there is a myth that only

lot of vegitarian also gets great musel Consume Plenty Of Fruits And Vegetables each and every vegetable has its own specialization.

top 9

1. oats - Great food for body builder 
        - contain estential vitamins like policacid, thymine, vitamine e, iron or zinc good for faster 
           muscle recovery and energy.

2. Nuts - full of protein healthy fats & fiber
        -  high quality protein in almonds
        - it contains megneise, copper in good quantity          - energy boost
        - eat soaked almonds
        - contains omega 3 : good for muscle

3. beans - More protein then any vegetable
           but no amino acid take it with rice.

4. Yogurt - mix quantity of high in protein, low carbs
          - vitamins, minerals or fat,
          - more protein than milk
          - improve bones, muscles, cartilage, skin or blood,
          - Balance immune system, 

 - give you calcium for stron bones.

5. Banana - potassium in good quantity - cure heavy workout and body pain
         - for energy purpose eat banana before workout.

6. Sweet patato/shakargandi - power house of energy
   - gives energy for long time contain good amount of fiber beneficial for 
                              control apetite, fat burn healthy digestion, muscle build
   - it also contain potassium help muscle breakdown from workout.

7. Brocolli -  superfood of bodybuilding
             it contains vitamin a,c,k, zinc & minerals
   - imporve digestive system

8. Peanut Butter - good source of protein
                - best for muscle build & muscle repair

9. Egg - High quality protein in eggs
        - cheap in price
        - complete amino acid - muscele growth
        - contains vitamin a,d,e,b6,b12,calcium,zinc,fat - muscle development.

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