Wednesday, 28 June 2017

What will happen if you eat 2 bananas a day

This below 6 things happens if you eat 2 banana per day....

1. Full of protien
Bananas are rich in nutrients, vitamins and natural sugar such as sucrose and fructose.
Banana – vitamin b6, c
One banana contains around 20% of your daily requirement of vitamin b6, which helps body to produce insulin,hemoglobin, and amino acids – that are needed for the creation of healthy cells.

2.your energy levels increases
The potassium contained in bananas projects your muscles from cramps.
And the carbohydrates provide you with enough energy to endure a heavy workout

3.Stress levels falls
Each banana contains 30 mg of magnesium
Magnesium helps – Heart + muscles + immune system + healthy sleep
Bananas contain TRYPTOPHAN which is required by your body to receive serotonin(Happiness Hormone)

4.Digestion Improves
Bananas are easily digested and don’t irritate the gastro-intestinal tract.
Effective nutritional medium for healthy bacteria.
Bananas are natural anti-acid, so eating two bananas a day can lessen the heartburn symptoms.

5.Anemia falls
Anemia causes – pleness, tiredness, and breathlessness.
Banana contain a lot of iron, which stimulate the production of red blood cells. It increasing the red blood cells improves blood flow in your body.
Also it contain vitamin b6, which regulates blood glucose levels, helping people with anemia

6.Weight Loss
 Bananas are rich in fiber, which makes you no longer want to eat once consumed.
Bananas also contain a STARCH that reduce your appetite and stops you gaining weight.
It reduces the level of sugar in you blood and raises your body’s sensitivity to insulin.

Reduce 40% the death from strock.

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