Tuesday 14 March 2017

Side Effect of Masterbation

Today we will talk about masturbation and it’s effect so read fully. For each product In this world having many advantage and dis-advantage, Like wise same masturbation also having advantage as well as disadvantage also….Few days ago I posted  a video regarding health benefits of masturbation, if you have’nt seen yet that video than I do recommend you to watch that video too. Masturbation is perfectly healthy activity. We are not against masturbation, we are only against excessive masturbation.

Effect of Masterbation (dis-advantages of masturbating)
1. Lower back pain
2. Thinning hair/hair loss
3. Face dull – face wrinkle
4. Your skin becomes dry.
5. Eye black shodow
6. Weight loss
7. Fatigue – thakan
8. Body weak everytime. You became lazy.
9. Concentration and memory problems
10. Weak erection
11. Sleep problems
12. Eye sight
13. Premature ejaculation
14. Testicular pain
15. Cheek goes inside
16. Ageing
17. Gastric problem (because of over masturbating)
18. You become thin.
19. Hair starts becoming dry and thin. Eventually you start losing hair.
20. You become Short-temper.
21. Memory capacity gone
22. Mentally disturbed.

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